International festival of homeless theatres
ERROR 2023
Medzinárodný festival bezdomoveckých divadiel error 2023.
24.& 25.November 2023
Bratislava - Palace Pistori
Štefánikova 25
Theatre groups coming from Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia will perform for you.
This year are coming also guests from Italy...
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The festival ERROR is supported by Visegrad Fund
Again as a part of this project is a drama-therapeutic process: Hero’s Journey, workshop for professionals who are involved in work with other vulnerable people.
On Friday and Saturday there will be performances...and one concert.
On Saturday there is taking place our traditional meeting of art enthusiastic who are working with all kind of people: ERROR Conference, if you are interested to take part, please, contact us:
We are very happy to inform you about the ERROR festival - in 2023 we are organizing its 17th edition and we will host theatre groups from all Visegrad countries and some special guests - like every year...Our partnerś organizations are: Naděje (CZ), Rozkoš bez rizika (CZ), Élményfactory Cultural Association (HU), TEATR GRODZKI (PL), AHA (HU).
PIATOK / FRIDAY, 24. 11. 2023
16:35 AMNESIA THEATRE (SK) – Znova Hollywood / Hollywood Again (5 min.)
16:45 HOPI HOPE (SK) – Snehová kráľovná / The Snow Queen (40 min.)
17:30 VALHALLA (CZ) – Venak i Peper / Venak And Peper (20 min.)
19:00 DIVADLO BEZ DOMOVA (SK) – Antigona / Antigone (55 min.)
SOBOTA / SATURDAY, 25. 11. 2023
15:30 AHA SZÍNPAD (HU) – Brána / The Gate (30 min.)
16:00 INVISIBLE THEATRE KALAWATSCH R.A.J. (CZ) – Utláčanie alebo intervencia / Oppression Or Intervention (20 min.)
17:00 TEATR GRODZKI (PL) – Koniec sveta / The End Of The World (30 min.)
17:40 CENTRO LATIDOU (IT) – Lacho Drom – navždy divokí a slobodní! / Wild And Free Forever (20 min.)
18:30 BÍLÁ HOLUBICE (CZ) – Sklenená guľôčka / Glass Bead (30 min.)
19:45 OSKAR RÓZSA, ZDENKA PREDNÁ, PATRIK KREBS and MAREK ORMANDÍK (SK) – Hrana inak hraná / Hrana Played Differently (45 min.)
21:30 od 18 rokov ROZKOŠ – A čo všetci tí muži... / What About All Those Men... (60 min.)
Link na sledovanie programu 1. dňa / Link to watch the 1st day program:
Link na sledovanie programu 2. dňa / Link to watch the 2nd day program:
Link na sledovanie programu 2. dňa – od 18 rokov / Link to watch the 2nd day program – from 18 years of age: ROZKOŠ – A čo všetci tí muži... / What About All Those Men...